Browsing Category Stories

The Sacred Rebellion: Finding Divine Love Beyond Doctrine

There’s a particular vulnerability that comes with unraveling the faith of your childhood. I can still feel the weight of my conservative Christian upbringing, the rigid certainty about biblical literalism, the well-meaning but suffocating doctrine of colorblindness, the unyielding stance on sexuality, and the rules that felt confusing and contradictory. These weren’t just beliefs; they were a foundation that my parents desperately tried instilling in…

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Standing in the Divide

I was ten when I first witnessed real hatred. I was standing at the front of Nestor Elementary, my Transformers lunchbox clutched against my chest. I watched three white men beat a Black boy until his blood stained the concrete. The teachers rushed us inside, but they couldn’t protect us from the sound, the dull thud of fists, the racial slurs that cut through the…

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